Reclaim your financial sovereignty with Bitcoin today!

Do you need to progress further in Bitcoin and have more questions than answers?

You can book a consultation with me and benefit from thousands of hours I spent learning, teaching and using Bitcoin.

Online Consultation

Are you new to Bitcoin or looking to deepen your knowledge? Whether you’re stuck on the basics or need to address specific concerns, I’m here to help. Here are some common questions I address during my consultations:

  • Where should I start?
  • How to buy bitcoin and which form to choose?
  • How to own bitcoin and sleep well at the same time?
  • Why and how should I store bitcoin in self-custody?
  • How to use Bitcoin to increase my personal freedom?

Price: $10 non-refundable booking fee + $15 per each 15 min (minimum 30 min)

⚡️ Book Consultation with BTC (5% discount) 💲 Book Consultation with USD


Online Consultation

Personalised Bitcoin consultation designed to answer your questions and guide your next steps toward financial sovereignty.

Online Consultation

Are you new to Bitcoin or looking to deepen your knowledge? Whether you’re stuck on the basics or need to address specific concerns, I’m here to help. Here are some common questions I address during my consultations:

  • Where should I start?
  • How to buy bitcoin and which form to choose?
  • How to own bitcoin and sleep well at the same time?
  • Why and how should I store bitcoin in self-custody?
  • How to use Bitcoin to increase my personal freedom?

Price: $10 non-refundable booking fee + $15 per each 15 min (minimum 30 min)

⚡️ Book Consultation with BTC (5% discount) 💲 Book Consultation with USD
Self-custody Setup

Gain full control of your bitcoin with expert-guided self-custody setup. I’ll navigate you through crucial steps and help avoid common pitfalls.

Self-custody Setup

If you’re currently storing your Bitcoin on an exchange and are ready to take full control over your assets, it’s time to consider setting up your own self-custody. Navigating this process can be daunting without proper guidance, as mistakes with Bitcoin are often irreversible. I offer a comprehensive package designed to facilitate a smooth and secure transition to self-custody. My experience in assisting numerous clients ensures that you receive expert guidance every step of the way.

The package includes:

  • 60-minute prior consultation: We’ll discuss the entire self-custody concept and identify the best setup for your needs.
  • Picking hardware wallet and seed backup solution: I’ll recommend hardware wallet and backup solutions that combine ease of use with high security.
  • 60-minute setup consultation: I’ll guide you through setting up your hardware wallet and conducting your first test transactions to ensure you’re confident in managing your Bitcoin.
  • 25% discount on future consultations

Price: $349 $299 (14% halving discount until June 30, 2024)

Additional 5% off when paid with BTC.

⚡️ Book Initial Consultation with BTC (5% discount) 💲 Book Initial Consultation with USD
Webinars & Workshops

Introduce Bitcoin to your organisation with my tailored webinars and workshops.

Webinars & Workshops

Interested in bringing Bitcoin education to your team? I offer tailored webinars and workshops designed to introduce Bitcoin and its benefits to your employees. These sessions are ideal for organisations aiming to empower their members by enhancing their understanding of Bitcoin and exploring its potential to boost personal freedom.

Topics Typically Covered:

  • Understanding Bitcoin: Discover what Bitcoin is and why it surpasses traditional fiat currencies.
  • Self-Custody Principles: Learn the essentials of securely holding Bitcoin in self-custody.
  • Bitcoin and Freedom: Explore how Bitcoin can be utilised to increase your freedom.

Pricing: Customised based on content requirements and workshop duration. Please contact me for a detailed quote.

Payment Setup

Helping your business accept bitcoin payments.


Jan is passionate about Bitcoin. He helped me tremendously to get into this world and changed my way of seeing the entire ecosystem.
100% reliable and recommended!

Adrián C.

Jan has greatly helped me understand Bitcoin. Before his workshop and voluntary Q&A session, the concept was abstract and confusing. Thanks to his guidance, I now know the steps a beginner should take to get started. 100 % recommended.

C. Dennise

Jan’s workshop was extremely helpful – he has expert knowledge about the technical side of bitcoin and self-custody, and crucially is able to explain it clearly to someone like me who doesn’t have a tech background. Highly recommended!

Jacob W.

Contact Me

For questions or collaboration inquiries, please use this form or message me on LinkedIn. I look forward to hearing from you!

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© 2024 ·

Jan Kotas